Your relationship with credit, and how you can improve it

Audrey Hue is our guest blogger today. She teaches personal finance and other financial topics at Bellevue College, and has a passion for making sure people make their financial choices with information backing them up. She will be teaching four sessions for Seattle Public Library patrons, during Money Smart Week, April 5-12. Check the event calendar for times and locations. Continue reading “Your relationship with credit, and how you can improve it”

Money Smart Week: Making sense out of saving money

MSW Piggy BankRemember when your parents first got you that cute little piggy bank? It was a big deal because it symbolized a financial rite of passage and instilled a growing sense of independence. And after completing a series of mundane tasks or chores you could triumphantly deposit your hard earned money into it at the end of the week. Continue reading “Money Smart Week: Making sense out of saving money”

Money Smart Week: Eliminating credit card debt

photo by cc attribution by Images_of_Money on flickrCredit card debt can feel like a heavy burden. It can be frustrating and anxiety provoking to pay high interest rates month after month. Paying only the minimum payment each month keeps many cardholders in “perma–debt,” a state many families have come to accept as normal. But never fear – there is hope. You can become debt free! Continue reading “Money Smart Week: Eliminating credit card debt”