Radical Mycology!

We live in one of the most fungally rich regions in the United States. Oregon has the largest single living organism on Earth in the Malheur National forest. It’s a fungus known by several names: Armillaria, scientifically; Honey Mushroom commonly; or, locally, as the Humongous Fungus. By 2015 it was three square miles large and a few thousand years old. It lives in the soil and spreads its filaments outward so that it grows one to three feet each year. It’s also killing the forest.

Or is it simply performing its natural function of recycling the trees back into the soil, but on a longer time scale than most humans are capable of understanding? Questions like these underpin the field of Mycology, the branch of biology that studies fungi, one of the least understood branches of life on Earth. Several recent books delve into this field from both the highly specialized scientific perspective as well as that of radical DIYers. Entangled Life, by Merlin Sheldrake, is a highly readable account of the author’s love for mushrooms and fungi as well as a tour through current trends in mycology to examine just how little we understand about these organisms. Similarly, Doug Bierend’s In Search of Mycotopia shows us the possibilities of fungal and microbial life. Both authors are trained experts and believe that understanding the fungus among us can radically alter how we experience our own lives as well as the world around us. Continue reading “Radical Mycology!”

Mushrooms and Permaculture

In this year’s Urban Self Reliance program series, running through October at various neighborhood branches, The Library will present two different workshops on wild mushrooms. Edible Mushrooms will focus on resources to introduce you to the world of mushroom gathering.  On the Mushroom Trail, presented by author Langdon Cook will discuss the underground economy that has developed in the Northwest around wild mushrooms.  Continue reading “Mushrooms and Permaculture”

Mushroom Mania

Chanterelles picked by me from an undisclosed location. Photo by Abby B., used with permission

Autumn in Seattle means rain and lots of it. While many Seattle residents are indoors moaning about the miserable weather, a few of us are rubbing our hands with glee as the drops fall. We are the wild mushroom hunters, and this is our favorite time of year. On any given fall day after it rains, we’ll be out in the woods stalking chanterelles (pictured above), hedgehogs, king boletes (commonly known as porcini) and many other delicious wild edibles found in abundance throughout the Pacific Northwest.

Some people think it’s crazy to pick and eat wild mushrooms; “Aren’t  you afraid of getting poisoned?” is a common question. My response is that I only eat mushrooms that I am 100% sure are tasty edibles. A good rule of thumb is: When in doubt, throw it out! The Seattle Public Library owns many helpful guidebooks Continue reading “Mushroom Mania”